St. James-Smithtown Little League has been a chartered Little League club serving the St. James, Smithtown, Nesconset, and Hauppauge communities since 1957.
Each year, more than 600 players ranging from ages 4-12 participate in its spring baseball and softball program, with another 300 players taking part in our fall season. Its flagship baseball/softball complex is Gaynor Park. Additional field locations include the Veterans Memorial Park complex, Brady Park, Flynn Memorial Park, and several local Smithtown school fields.
President: Brian Erni
Website: sjsll.com

The Central Islip Little League is a non-profit 501(C) (3) organization that was established in 1955 to give the kids in this area the experience of playing youth baseball & softball. The league serves the community of Central Islip and Islandia. Approximately 150 to 200 children are enrolled in our program. The children are not only taught the fundamentals of baseball and softball, but also the important values of sportsmanship and teamwork while gaining friendships with teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials.
President: Joe Hennie
Website: centralisliplittleleague.com

Since 1951 Little League of the Islips has offered a safe, family oriented environment in which the children of lslip, East Islip, Islip Terrace and Great River could come together to learn the fundamentals of baseball/softball, the rules of fair play, the importance of sportsmanship and most importantly provide childhood memories. We are a non-profit 501(C) (3) organization with approximately 550 players and 150 staff members.
President: Sonny Feinman
Website: IslipLL.org

Hauppauge Little League is a 100% non-profit volunteer organization. Our budget addresses field maintenance, field improvements, utilities, insurance, equipment, uniforms, umpires, and administrative costs. Hauppauge Little League is committed to providing the best youth baseball experience in the Hauppauge area.
We believe in the Little League mission: Little League believes in the power of youth baseball to teach life lessons that build stronger individuals and communities. Hauppauge Little League strives to teach the game of baseball and teamwork while building character and loyalty all while having FUN!!!! HLL is always looking for both head and assistant coaches. On the registration form you can volunteer. Baseball experience is great but not required. A love of the game and the kids is all that's needed. All potential coaches will have a background check performed. The HLL board is 100% volunteer and unpaid. All our board members and coaches give back to the community and dedicate their time to provide an enjoyable experience for our youth baseball players.
President: Christopher Innace
Website: leagues.bluesombrero.com/hauppaugelittleleague